Please Select An Option. All Questions Are Mandatory
1. Chaucer was born in
A. 12th century B. 13th century
C. 14th century D. 15th century

2. Chaucer's father and grandfather were what
A. Bakers B. Brewers
C. Butchers D. Vintners

3. What name is now given to the language in which Chaucer worked
A. Early English B. Middle English
C. New English D. Old English

4. Chaucer served in a English Army under which king
A. Henery III B. Edward II
C. Edward III D. Richard II

5. According to the Wife of Bath, what do women most desire
A. Sovereignty over their husband B. True Beauty
C. Perfect Beauty D. Great wealth

6. When did Francesco Petrarch live and write
A. The 13th Century B. The 14th Century
C. The 15th century D. The 16th century

7. Which city is often called the birthplace of the Renaissance
A. Rome B. Venice
C. Florence D. Milan

8. It is decided that each Canterbury pilgrim would tell in all :
A. One story B. Two Stories
C. Three stories D. Four stories

9. John Dryden in his heroic tragedy All for Love takes the story of Shakespeare’s
A. Troilus and Cressida B. The Merchant of Venice
C. Antony and Cleopatra D. Measure for Measure

10. “We will do it, I tell you; we will do it.” The repetition of a phrase is
A. Antiphrasis B. Diacope
C. Aposiopesis D. Enumeratio

11. Which one of the following playwrights will not be covered under the category / term ‘Theatre of the Absurd’?
A. Jean Genet B. Jean Giraudoux
C. Samuel Beckett D. Eugene Ionesco

12. Who defined poetry as ‘the best words in the best order’?
A. Wordsworth B. Coleridge
C. Keats D. Shelley

13. According to Barthes, a text which draws attention to its artifice, to the ways in which it is structured, is called
A. Writerly text B. Aesthetic text
C. Readerly text D. Formal text

14.  Who among the Victorian authors has described himself/herself as an agnostic?
A. Matthew Arnold B. Charles Dickens
C. George Eliot D. Thomas Hardy

15.  Out of the four humours of the body, the Jacobeans thought of themselves as especially prone to
A. Cholar B. Phlegm
C. Blood D. Melancholy

16. Which of the following works by David Malouf tells the story of the Roman poet, Ovid, during his exile in Tomis ?
A. Remembering Babylon B. The Great World
C. The Conversation at Curlow Creek D. An Imagery Life

17. The term, “poetic justice,” to designate the idea that the good are rewarded and the evil punished, was devised by
A. Aristotle B. John Dryden
C. Thomas Rhymer D. Ben Johnson

18. Who among the following is not a character in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies ?
A. Jack B. Peter
C. Ralph D. Piggy

19. Samuel Johnson’s Lives of the English Poets combines the following except
A. Analytical Criticism B. Literary History
C. Personal Biography D. Socratic dialogue

20.  which of the following is a collaborative work of W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood?
A. Letters from Iceland B. The Dance of Death
C. The Ascent of F6 D. The Orators

21. Which of the following work by Henry Fielding begins as a parody of Samuel Richardson’s Pamela?
A. Amelia B. Tom Johns
C. Joseph Andrews D. Don Quixote

22.  which of the following periods of English Literature is also called “Puritan Interregnum”?
A. The Neo Classical Period B. The Caroline Age
C. The Restoration D. The Commonwealth Period

23. What was Gramsci’s term for cultural consensus supporting capitalism?
A. Monopoly B. Ideology
C. Discourse D. Hegemony

24.  Who among the following analysed the naturalizing of connotative meanings into myths?
A. Michel Foucault B. Roman Ingarden
C. J.Hillis Miller D. Ronald Barthe

25.  Who among the following is mourned in Walt Whitman’s 0 Captain! My Captain!?
A. R.W.Emerson B. John Keats
C. P.B.Shelley D. Abraham Lincoln