Please Select An Option. All Questions Are Mandatory
1. Which statement best expresses the theme of Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”?
A. To kill a living creature is immoral. B. People should honour and respect all living things.
C. Prayer can accomplish miracles. D. True harmony is achieved only through cooperative effort.

2. Who is the author of the poem, “Our Casuarina Tree” ?
A. Sorojini Naidu B. Toru Datt
C. Rabindranath Tagore D. Kamala Das

3.  Frederic Jameson associated postmodern culture with __________ capitalism.
A. Market B. Monopoly
C. Imperialist D. Maltinationalist

4.  In his theory of Mimesis, Plato says that all art is mimetic by nature; art is an imitation of life. To argue his case he gives the example of a :
A. Table B. Chair
C. Cloud D. River

5.  In which of these prisons is Defoe’s character, Moll Flanders born ?
A. Gatehouse B. King's Bench
C. Newgate D. Ludgate

6. Among Derek Walcott’s plays, which one is an exploration of colonial relationships through the Robinson Crusoe story ?
A. Pantomime B. Dream on Monkey Mountain
C. Ti -Jean and His Brother D. The Charlatan

7. Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl”, a key work of the Beat Movement, was dedicated to __________.
A. Lucien Carr B. Carl Solomon
C. Herbert Huncke D. Jack Kerouac

8. Which of the following plays by David Hare is NOT part of a trilogy of ‘state of the nation’ plays ?
A. The Absence of War B. Racing Demon
C. The Power of Yes D. Murmuring Judge

9. For Coleridge, our power to perceive symbols gleaned from the world about us is related to the category of :
A. Primary Imagination B. Secondary Imagination
C. Fancy D. Intuition

10. Identify the story for which E. M. Forster wrote the libretto for its opera version :
A. Heart of Darkness B. The Man Who Whould Be The King
C. Billy Budd D. Death in Venice

11.  In Biographia Literaria S.T. Coleridge defines the imagination as the faculty by which
A.  the soul perceives the phenomenal diversity of the universe. B.  the soul perceives the spiritual unity of the universe.
C. the mind acquires images by its associative power. D. the mind separates images by its discriminatory power.

12. What is practical criticism?
A.  The close analysis of literary texts in such a way as to bring out their political meaning B.  A movement which wished to make literary criticism more relevant
C. The close analysis of poems without taking account of any external information. D. The study of ambiguity.

13.  The Grammar-Translation Method in English Language Teaching stresses on
A. Fluency B. Accuracy
C. Appropriateness D. Listening Skill

14. Which of the following theoretical movements claimed that “the device is the only hero of literature”?
A. Russian Formalism B. New Criticism
C. Structuralism D. New Historicism

15. What part of Canada is Alice Munro most famous for depicting?
A. Vancouver B. Montreal
C. Ontario D. Cuebec

16.  Emily Dickinson’s use of “open form” or “free verse” is comparable to her contemporary American poet,
A. Robert Lowell B. Walt Whitman
C. Sylvia Plath D. Anne Bradstreet

17.  In his Defence of Poesy what is the “best and most accomplished kind of poetry” in Sidney’s estimation?
A. Heroical or epic poetry B. Lyric poetry
C. Pastoral poetry D. Elegiac poetry

18.  Which of the following is not a part of the series of poems called Jejuri, written by Arun Kolatkar?
A. Yeswant Rao B. Chaitanya
C. The priest D. An Old Man

19. In 1941 John Day Company in New York published Jawaharlal Nehru’s autobiography under the title
A. Towards Freedom B. In Search of Freedom
C. Towards Independence D. In Search of Indipendence

20.  The Grammar Translation Method was historically used in teaching
A. Greek and French B. Greek and Latin
C. Latin and Scandinavian D. French and German

21. What is the final word in Joyce’s Ulysses?
A. yes B. Love
C. Sex D. Death

22.  The form of Dryden’s Essay of Dramatic Poesy is
A. A dialogue B. An Essay
C. An epic poem D. A play

23. Direct Method in English Language Teaching is also known as
A. Functional method B. Natural method
C. Indirect approach D. Inductive approach

24.  “Medicine is my lawful wife” ………….. once said “and literature is my mistress.”
A. Leo Tolstoy B. Anton Chekhav
C. Franz Kafka D. Albert Camus

25.  Which Canterbury pilgrim carries a brooch inscribed with the Latin words meaning “Love Conquers All” ?
A. The Prioress B. The Monk
C. The Wife of Bath D. The Squire